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The Rock Church > 교회/단체 찾기

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    The Rock Church 더 락 교회

    담임목사 Miles McPherson 이 메 일
    교회주소 2277 Rosecrans St., San Diego, CA, 92106 홈페이지
    전화번호 619-226-7625 소속교단


    Bringing Hope and Restoration to San Diego and Beyond since 2000

    We believe that The Great Commission, where Jesus calls His people to “…go and make disciples of all nations…” presents a problem for the church that solely invites people to come to it.

    That is why the Rock Church is a particularly outward facing church—a movement of people committed to taking the Gospel into every street, and to every person, so we can show the world that no matter where one finds themselves, Jesus is the hope they long for.

    No matter how or why someone is lost, we are relentless about being hands-on; providing a practical way for them to be found in the very place they have ended up. It’s why we have over 100 outreach and discipleship ministries. It’s all about removing the church walls so we can effectively connect with the lives that are waiting to know the hope of Jesus.

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