교회/단체 찾기 1 페이지 | KCMUSA

교회/단체 찾기 1 페이지

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신학교 찾기

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신학교 로 검색된 결과입니다.
Total 200건 1 페이지
교회/단체 찾기 목록
번호 이름 목회자 주소 전화번호
200 Abilene Christian University Dr. Phil Schubert 1600 Campus Court, Abilene, TX,79699
199 American Baptist Seminary of the West James E. Brenneman 총장 2606 Dwight Way, Berkeley, CA,94704
198 Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary Sara Wenger Shenk 3003 Benham Ave, Elkhart, IN,46517
197 Anderson University School of Theology John S. Pistole 총장 1100 E. 5th St., Anderson, IN,46012
196 Andover Newton Seminary at Yale University Martin B. Copenhaver 409 Prospect St., New Haven, CT,6511
195 Ashland Theological Seminary Juan Martínez 부총장 910 Center St., Ashland, OH,44805
194 Assemblies of God Theological Seminary Tim Hager 부총장 1435 North Glenstone Ave., Springfield, MO,65802
193 Atlantic School of Theology Neale S. Bennet 660 Francklyn St., Halifax, ,B3H 3B5
192 Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary Charley Holmes 1530 E. Pine St., Jacksonville, TX,75766
191 Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond LINDA MCKINNISH BRIDGES P.O. Box 3066, Richmond, VA,23228
190 Beeson Divinity School of Samford University Douglas A. Sweeney 학장 800 Lakeshore Dr., Birmingham, AL,35229
189 Bethany Theological Seminary Jeffrey William Carter 615 National Road West, Richmond, IN,47374
188 Bethel Theological Seminary Peter T. Vogt 3900 Bethel Dr., St. Paul, MN,55112
187 Boston University School of Theology Mary Elizabeth Moore 745 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA,2215
186 Brite Divinity School of Texas Christian University Newell Williams 2925 Princeton Street, Fort Worth, ,76109

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