아시안크리스찬펠로우쉽 > 교회/단체 찾기 | KCMUSA

아시안크리스찬펠로우쉽 > 교회/단체 찾기

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교회/단체 찾기

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아시안크리스찬펠로우쉽 Asian American Christian Fellowship (AACF)

담임목사 안 종 이 메 일
교회주소 948 East Second St., Los Angeles, CA, 90012 홈페이지
전화번호 213-613-0022 소속교단 기타


AACF is a campus-based ministry initiated and led by students.

Student leaders gather to use the summer months to organize the year’s focus and activities.
During the school year they meet regularly for support and training to meet the special needs of their AACF group.
Committed leadership that prays and cares for its community with God’s love is a model of leadership we trust will carry over into church life.
The role of the Campus Minister is to partner with student leaders to empower, encourage and nurture them for service on the campus.
As members of this team, Campus Ministers advise and counsel student leaders to grow as disciples alongside the students as they reach the campus for Jesus Christ.

* 위에 정보가 맞지 않을경우 수정하실수 있습니다

KCMUSA,680 Wilshire Pl. #419, Los Angeles,CA 90005
Tel. 213.365.9188 E-mail: kcmusa@kcmusa.org
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