(Full Time) Education Pastor > 목회자 청빙 | KCMUSA

(Full Time) Education Pastor > 목회자 청빙

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목회자 청빙

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[FL] (Full Time) Education Pastor

페이지 정보



  Tampa Korean Methodist Church in Tampa was founded in 1973 and now has around 250 attendants. We are looking for a full-time Education pastor who has a passion to make disciples of Jesus Christ. We have 20+ youth students and 30+ elementary/ kindergarten students. 

(Homepage: www.tkumc.org)


  • Lead and work with the team of Youth, Elementary/ Kindergarten teachers toward our goal of making each student a disciple of Jesus Christ.

  • Lead the Youth and Elementary students Sunday service and deliver sermons.

  • Select Bible study material for Youth and Elementary/ Kindergarten groups; provide a teaching guideline and training to the teachers.

  • Plan and lead all Youth and Elementary/ Kindergarten activities and programs (i.e. Vacation Bible School, Youth Revival, etc.) and coordinate with teachers and PTA.

  • Coordinate and lead weekly gatherings: “TGIF” for youth and Awana night for Sunday School.

  • Provide pastoral care and service, including but not limited to youth and elementary students/families. (ie. including the Korean Ministry, as needed)


  • Called by God for pastoral ministry

  • Have a humble and teachable spirit

  • Have worked for at least one year in Youth and/or Children’s ministry

  • A degree from an accredited seminary preferred

  • Demonstrates sensitivity and an ability to work in a multicultural environment. (Sermons will be delivered in English, however, some coordination with teachers and parents will be required in Korean. Therefore, being fluent in English is a requirement, and being bi-lingual in English/Korean is preferred.)

  • Demonstrates an ability to work with a team and to work under a Senior Pastor


  • Salary: 45-55K, commensurate with experience and education

  • Benefits: health insurance and pension. 


Candidate should submit his or her

  1. Personal statement (1-2 pages)

  2. Resume

  3. 1 letter of recommendation 

  4. Proof of graduation or school registration

  5. Sermon video or website link 

to this email address: tkumcemail@gmail.com  Also, any questions can be submitted by email and all replies will be answered by email.

Deadline: April 30, 2023

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탬파한인연합감리교회 Tampa Korean United Mehodist Church

담임목사 백승린 이 메 일 tkumc@hotmail.com
교회주소 26211 E County Line Rd, Wesley, Chapel, FL, 33544 홈페이지 www.tkumc.org
전화번호 813- 907-5815 소속교단 연합감리교회 (UMC)

KCMUSA,680 Wilshire Pl. #401, Los Angeles,CA 90005
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