고등부, 초등부 교역자를 청빙합니다 Seeking High School / Elementary Pastor > 목회자 청빙 | KCMUSA

고등부, 초등부 교역자를 청빙합니다 Seeking High School / Elementary Pastor > 목회자 청빙

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[CA] 고등부, 초등부 교역자를 청빙합니다 Seeking High School / Elementary Pastor

페이지 정보


Global Mission Church (PCA) in Diamond Bar, CA is looking for 2 education part-time pastors: (1) High School Pastor and (2) Elementary Pastor. Depending on the candidate, this position could be expanded to a full-time Education Director role.

- Our Education department is well-supported by EM in terms of pastoral oversight and mentoring.
- We have a great teacher-to-student ratio with very solid group of volunteers (for both teachers and parents).
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Preach weekly and plan activities for students, attend Saturday pastors meeting at 9AM and submit weekly ministry report.
- Lead and run bible studies / programs during Friday evenings.
- For Elementary: Coordinate and serve during two major ministry events: VBS & Fall Festival.
- For High School: Coordinate and serve during 2 retreats each year (post-Covid)
- Conduct parents & teachers meetings.
- Current seminary student at an accredited seminary or BA or MA in Christian Education
- Must be legal to work in the US
- Competence in the Korean language and culture to work closely with KM and parents.
- Dedication to / desire to learn of Reformed Theology

For inquiry: please contact pastor Kenny Lee via email at pkennylee1@gmail.com

LA 동부지역 다이아몬드바에 위치한 글로발선교교회에서 교육부를 말씀과 사랑으로 섬겨주실 교역자를 찾고있습니다.
분야: 파트타임 초등부 1명, 고등부 1명 (지원자 경험에 따라서 교육디렉터겸 부서 담당자 풀타임 가능합니다.)
사역 내용: 주일 교육부 설교, 예배인도, 금요예배 / 성경공부 진행, 연중행사 (VBS, 수양회등) 계획및 진행
자격: 신학대학원 졸업, 재학중, 혹은 재학 예정자. 개혁신학에 대한 헌신과 열정이 있으신분. 미국 취업에 문제가 없으신분.
보내실 서류:
1) 자기 소개서 (신앙 간증서 포함)
2) 이력서
3) 추천서 2부 (추천인이 직접 이메일로 보내시도록 해주세요.)

문의사항 / 서류 보내실곳: pkennylee1@gmail.com
교회주소: 23425 Sunset Crossing Rd, Diamond Bar, CA 91765
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글로발선교교회 Global Mission Church

담임목사 김지성 이 메 일 igmc.org@gmail.com
교회주소 23425 Sunset Crossing Rd., Diamond Bar, CA, 91765 홈페이지 www.igmc.org
전화번호 909-396-4441 소속교단 미장로회 (PCA)

KCMUSA,680 Wilshire Pl. #419, Los Angeles,CA 90005
Tel. 213.365.9188 E-mail: kcmusa@kcmusa.org
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