God Called Moses 본문 말씀: Exodus 1~4 > KCM 방송 | KCMUSA

God Called Moses 본문 말씀: Exodus 1~4 > KCM 방송

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[K-1 | 베델교회학교 주일 온라인예배 | 12.12.21] God Called Moses 본문 말씀: Exodus 1~4

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God Called Moses
본문 말씀: Exodus 1~4
Exodus 1~4 Moses had grown up in Pharaoh’s palace, but he knew that he was a Hebrew not an Egyptian. One day he went out to see the Hebrew people at work and noticed that one of the hebrews was being badly mistreated by an Egyptian. Moses became so angry he killed the Egyptian. Moses decided to run away to the land of Midian where he lived as a shepherd for many years. One day as Moses was out with his flock of sheep he saw a strange sight. There was a bush but The bush was on fire!  But the bush was not burning! Soon things got even weirder. Suddenly Moses heard God speaking to him through the flames! God told Moses that he was standing on holy ground so he must take off his shoes. Let’s read from God’s Word to hear what else the Lord said to Moses. Read Exodus 3:9: “ Go, I am sending you to bring my people out of Egypt.”  God had a big job for Moses to do!  Moses didn’t think he was good enough for the job . He was afraid that the Israelites wouldn’t listen to him. He was also afraid because he wasn’t a very good speaker. Moses made all sorts of excuses to God about why he was not the right man for the job. But Let’s read to find out what God tells Moses. Read Exodus 3:14: “God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. You see God is so big and so powerful that He can’t have an ordinary name like Bob or Joe. When God says he is ‘ I am who I am’ it means that He has no beginning and no end! There is nothing God cannot do! He is telling Moses, and us, that He is our God, and we can trust Him! It was hard for Moses at first, but he finally obeyed God’s call to rescue God’s people from Egypt. Sometimes God asks us to do things that might be hard for us, but in the end God helps us to bring Him glory. It might be something small like being kind to your brother or sister. Sometimes it’s hard to obey God, but He always gives us the strength to do what He’s asked us to do! 

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