God Used Samson / Judges 13-16 > KCM 방송 | KCMUSA

God Used Samson / Judges 13-16 > KCM 방송

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[베델교회학교 주일 온라인 예배 | K-1 / 유년 / 초등] God Used Samson / Judges 13-16

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God Used Samson Judges 13-16 One day, the angel of the LORD spoke to a man and his wife. The angel said that they would have a son, and their son would save God’s people from the Philistines. And God had special instructions for their son: He should never cut his hair. The couple had a baby boy, and they named him Samson. God made Samson strong. One day, Samson and his parents were heading somewhere and a lion jumped out and Samson killed the lion. Samson killed a lion with his bare hands! Later Samson fell in love with a woman named Delilah. God had commanded the Israelites not to marry women who did not worship God, but Samson did not obey God’s word, and he did what he desired. The Philistines wanted to know how Samson was so strong. So they gave Delilah money to help them find out. Delilah began asking and nagging Samson. Finally, Samson told Delilah the truth: “ If you cut my hair, I will be weak.” So when Samson was sleeping, a Philistine came and cut his hair. Samson wasn’t strong anymore. Samson was sent to prison, they bound him with heavy bronze shackles and all he did was grind grain. One day, the Philistines made Samson stand between two pillars in their temple. And as he stood there, Samson cried out to God, “Lord, strengthen me once more.” So for the last time, God strengthened Samson. Samson pushed on the two pillars and the temple collapsed. Samson and all the philistines in the temple had died, and God had saved the Israelites from the philistines. 

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